Component One PIP Reporting Template (MS Word): Performance Improvement Plan (PIP): This document will be used to fulfill the condition of participation requirements wherein facilities must report monthly progress updates on monitoring their outcomes in the PIP. (Updated 11/17/2021)
Component Two: Staffing hours: HHSC does not prescribe specific template. Facilities must submit direct-care staffing information based on payroll or other auditable data through the QIPP Data Submission Portal as described in the Quality Metric Packet (PDF) and the Technical Specifications (PDF).
Component Two PIP Reporting Template (MS Word): Performance Improvement Plan (PIP): This document will be used to fulfill the condition of participation requirements wherein facilities must report monthly progress updates on monitoring their outcomes in the PIP. (Updated 11/17/2021)
@scorpiushunter i’ve never met this man in my life. works in like barton creek mall?? idk only time i talked to him…
— mele ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ¹⁷ Sun Dec 06 23:56:43 +0000 2020
Component Four: Nursing Facilities must collect audit data for each month within the program year and report summaries to HHSC in Quarters 1 and 3. For Quarter 1, NFs should report monthly data for September, October and November 2021, as available.The Quarter 3 reporting period will then include audit data from December 2021 through May 2022.
Visit the QIPP Provider Finance website for following information about QIPP year 5 (SFY22):
As Nursing Facilities (NFs) develop a PIP Charter, as described in the Component One and Two PIP Reporting Templates, following resources published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) may be useful:
As NFs conduct root cause analysis to inform PIP charter and planned interventions, following resources published by the CMS may be useful:
As NFs select the PIP Topic, following resources published by the CMS may be useful:
As NFs submit documentation that demonstrates ongoing monitoring of planned interventions in Quarters 2, 3 & 4, following resources published by the CMS may be useful:
In Quarter 4, as NFs prepare documentation that records final tracking of completed interventions, following resources published by the CMS may be useful:
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